My book, Letters to the Mountain, which I poured so much of my time into throughout the first part of this year, has sort of been on the back burner.
I honestly almost forgot about it, with its pretty cover, pages and words. It was always there, in the back of my mind. But I’ve been so focused on moving forward, with school and enjoying our summer before Archer starts school, that I sort of forgot that I wrote a freaking book!
Following our trip to PG to celebrate the launch of the book up there, it meandered to the back of my mind. It’s always there (I still can’t believe that I wrote and published a book), but other things started to take priority. Like shaping my future and my new career.

Letters to the Mountain
Following the book launches, I sent out countless emails to people that I thought might be interested in hearing my story and reading my book. Letters to the Mountain is in three book stores in the lower mainland, and two up north in Prince George. Which is a great feeling! But I am still compiling lists of others to send book information to while writing my Romi series and preparing for school.
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
I guess I should have started above by saying that there really isn’t an update. Other than I remain proud and am still working away at getting my story out there. I have applied for a book award, with several others on my to do list. I’m attending a Canadian Authors Association event with a friend next week and am contemplating joining the Writer’s Union of Canada. Things are happening, with a lot of hard work behind the scenes. There's just not too much exciting to report right now!

I am still so proud of the work that went into this book.

This is my future.
I am excited and terrified all at the same time.
If you haven’t grabbed a copy of Letters to the Mountain yet, let me know (or visit And, if you have, please spread the word!
So appreciative,