Letters to the Mountain
Letters to the Mountain has officially launched! My book is out in the universe for those that are closest to me to read. I don’t know how far my story will reach, but I am working at spreading the word.
For women that haven’t had the right support or options during birth.
Anyone that has been hurt by another’s actions, alcoholism or choices.
Those that have lost someone dear to them, whether unexpectedly or not.
If you’ve sought closure that wasn’t readily available, had to dig deep and accept the things that are out of your control.
I think there’s a part for you in my book.
The whole reason that I started writing Letters to the Mountain was for myself. And the reason why I published it was to share my story. I didn’t want to be silent any more. In a purely selfish way.
I don't regret it for a minute.
There’s been a movement I’ve witnessed in many different subjects lately. To no longer be ashamed to talk about the hard things, or topics that have been previously thought as taboo.
Miscarriage. Abuse. Periods. Birth. Anger. Mental Health. Grief. Misinformation. Regret. Therapy.
I am only one woman in a small corner of the world, but if I can reach even one person that doubts themselves or feels alone in what they’re going through, then my job is done.
You are not alone.
It is not your fault.
If I can further my reach, I’d be seeing my dreams come true even more than I already have.

Beautiful flowers sent from up North
My words are bound in the pages of my book. I felt the pull of my story to be told and now I feel the pull to share.
From the beginning, whenever I would tell someone that is familiar with Rachael’s story that I was writing a book to her, I got a very similar reaction.
That it’s amazing, she was amazing and that they wanted to hear all about her.
But my book is not about her. It’s my story as told to her. I hope that I haven’t been misleading and that it’s understood what the book is about. I was hesitant to market it with Rachael’s name in the mix, so I hope that everyone understands why that is. If this was about selling books, I would market the shit out of that. But it’s not who I am. And it’s not the point.
My memoir is about me. Who I became because of the beautiful person I call my best friend, and so many others that have been part of my life along the way.
If you know anyone that might be interested in reading Letters to the Mountain, please let me know! Or, better, spread the word.
Thank you all,