Here I am, 35 years young, preparing to go back to school as an adult!

I am absolutely thrilled to share the news that I got accepted to The Writer’s Studio at SFU!!

From what I’ve heard, it’s a very competitive program, and I’m just tickled that I was contacted in the first round and offered a spot with a mentor under the genre of Fiction.

This means that I will be working away at my manuscript for the Romi Series under the supervision of my mentor and alongside my fellow peers in Fiction. We will be learning the ropes in creative writing and applying what we learn to our work. I’m so excited!

It’s a part-time program, geared towards people that have day jobs. I never thought that I’d be going back to school, but I’ve officially accepted the spot and written everything into my planner (so it’s not going anywhere haha). I start on September 14, and the program runs until June 2020, when I hand in my final manuscript.

I won’t be self-publishing this one as I’d like to shop my manuscript around and pursue traditional publishing. I’m hopeful that TWSO (The Writer’s Studio Online … all the cool kids use acronyms, right?) will also help guide me in this direction. Fingers crossed!

Morning at Buntzen Lake

Perks of being my own boss - Morning Lake Breaks

I choose writing. Learning. Developing. This is my path.

Black Lab at Buntzen Lake

Eddie's happy place.

One day I think I’ll be ready to share my true thoughts and feelings about my experience in self-publishing, but not yet. I am so proud of myself and Letters to the Mountain and I'm happy that I self-published that project in particular. But it was a lot of work and a lot of money out of pocket. It was never a “make millions” project, but it will always be the start of my career. One giant step that I needed to take towards healing and moving forward as the woman and writer that I am today.

And I can feel that this next venture is another huge step for me.

Watch out world! Or house. Since I’ll be doing the course online, I’ll just, ya know. Be home.

Excited to learn,



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