I meal plan. Most weeks, anyways. I like to sit down, usually on a Sunday morning after we’ve had a leisurely start to the day and a big family breakfast. I peruse my cookbooks, consult the fridge and cupboards to see what inspires me based on what we already have. Most of the time, I do the shopping, so I make the list and take off to shop while Maverick naps. It’s a pretty good routine. I try to base the week’s meal plan on creating leftovers for lunches and easy meals for Brad, or something I can put in the slow cooker in the morning, if I have plans out of the house one evening during the week.
Things are different now.
The steps that I normally take seem a bit too big for what I want to put on my to do list right now. To be completely honest. Not only have I had a pulsing ear infection for almost a week now--the doctor assured me over the phone that the medicine he prescribed will work, so I’m waiting for that to happen--but I just don’t feel like thinking big picture. I am choosing to take everything one day at a time, one hour, one task, really.

We have stocked our fridge and cupboards with what we need for the foreseeable future. If we needed to stay home starting today and didn’t have access to fresh groceries, we’d be okay for a little while. Though I definitely plan on re-stocking fresh fruits and veggies as well as a few new proteins soon.
It would be really nice to be able to buy some toilet paper somewhere. We’ll be running out of that soon, for sure. But things are out of our control, and I think that’s why I’m focusing on taking things one step at a time. I can’t plan to go on a hike and for tea with friends, or get together with some people from out of town. Try a new restaurant, visit, bond and catch up. It’s just not a reality right now.
My reality is that I’m relegated to mom duty Monday to Friday while Brad works from the basement. School work, my blog, my book and that dreaded audiobook project that will seemingly never end (and certainly cannot be recorded while the kids are home) must wait. It was a luxury for me, and will be one day again, to be able to write during the day while the house is quiet and empty. I appreciate that so much, and I think that’s why I’m managing this shift in social distancing so well. Instead, I find myself writing at night. Reading school stuff while the kids watch tv next to me. Doing whatever works, for now.

Carrot Apple Muffins - Thug Kitchen

The Recipe

Tonight's Dinner

A Cookbook Waiting
Other than my ear infection and the odd temper tantrum (those of which belong to everyone, at different times, usually on different days), I’m coping well.
And I really hope that you are all as well. Because the only way we’re going to beat this thing is to flatten the curve. Limit contact. Keep to ourselves. I’ve heard people discuss this topic and the debates get heated, people get angry. I just don’t think there’s room for that.
If we go forward with love, internally, for ourselves first, we will come out the other side of this okay. More than okay. The earth will have time to heal, we will be healthy, and hopefully our perspectives will shift while we get to know what truly matters, given the opportunity to refocus on what truly needs our attention and what we actually need to survive.
Share your stories with me, if you will. Tell me how you’re doing, what are some of the things you’re getting up to these days and what they remind you of. Please know that I am an open ear, you are not going through this alone. Hey, maybe I’ll even share some meal plan tips with you, or some of my favourite recipes.
Socially close, physically distant,