Writing is my art.
I also use scrapbooking, colouring, painting and crafting cards as personal expressions of art. But this thing that I am choosing to do with my words, is my true art. I felt inspired to write in my journal last night, pictured here. Go ahead and zoom in … read my journal. My most personal thoughts. Confession, I wrote what I did on purpose, I don’t normally speak in the second person when writing in my journal. The exception to that was when I was specifically writing my journal to Rachael, which I then took and turned into my first book, Letters to the Mountain.
The last couple of entries in my journal were dated February 5, 2020, and December 20, 2019. I write in my journal with much less frequency than I once did. This is neither here nor there, and is not the point of this entry. I feel my words circling back to what we’re all experiencing in the world today, in our own ways, of course. I am choosing to let them guide me. They haven’t led me astray this far.

I encourage you to read the words you see, on the links reporting news, people encouraging each other to stay positive, or suggesting that we do what we need to in order to just get by. Read the words, though you could never feel them as the writer does, or go back and experience them, in memory or otherwise.
It’s just not possible.
Interpret everyone’s experiences as you wish. That’s the thing about art, about life, really. We all experience in our own individual ways. No two people will embrace the same piece of writing, art or situation in the same way, and I think our world is beautiful because of it.
Let that resonate.
Think about how it applies to yourself, to others, to your relationships.
Breathe it in, then out.
Appreciate the peace in solidarity. Then remember that we’re all reading the same words, walking similar paths that are uniquely our own, and that going forward in kindness is the best way to move through this tough time. We are very much in this together, even when the pandemic is over. I truly believe that to understand the fine balance of being together with other in what we experience, while accepting that our own paths are unique, is the way to find peace.

The cover of my current journal
The truth I find in writing about this comes easy for me to understand. I worked for years to learn that the actions of others are not my responsibility, and in reality, have little to nothing to do with me. We are responsible for our own actions, our own reactions, and in recognizing this, I have learned to let go. Of my desire to have everyone important to me hold the same value to things as I do. To put in the effort I expect, or deserve. I hold close those that do, and, otherwise, simply let go.
The actions of others are not in anyone else's control. But I hope for the sake of the world, that we all stay home until this virus is under control. Do our part to help earth back on her feet.
Find time instead to craft. Words, cards, art on St. Patrick’s Day. Writing is my art.
What’s yours?

Our front door on St. Patrick's Day. It's safe to say that I had the most fun with the project.