Never have I ever … wanted to get out of this house so bad!
Rewind almost one week to last Saturday. Brad and I were going out on a date night. We had taken the kids to Archer’s swimming lesson in the late afternoon and stopped for a quick coffee and treat at Gabi & Jules before returning home for the babysitter to come.
The first clue that something was off, Maverick barely ate any of the Monster Cookie we bought for him. Then when we got home, he said he was cold and needed a sweater.
Side note: it is extremely nice that he is getting old enough to tell us things like how his temperature is.
Other than that, and Maverick wanting extra cuddles, everything seemed fine. So Brad and I took off on our date night … only to get a message from the babysitter to say that Maverick had a fever and asked for his bed before bed time. She had given him a lukewarm bath and Tylenol and he was fast asleep by 6:45 pm. I told her to let us know if he got up or was sick (my mind always assumes waiting-for-puke status whenever the kids have a fever) and we continued our date. Maverick slept fine while we were gone, and then for the next three nights was up every two hours crying and in pain.
We learned from day care that a virus was going around (hand foot and mouth, for anyone familiar, but our doctor said that wasn’t it for Maverick), so I hunkered down with the little guy, quarantined while this contagious thing ran its course. Our wonderful neighbours helped with Archer’s delivery to and from school and once Snowmageddon* hit on Wednesday and the school was closed, Brad opted to work from home. I was grateful for the extra help!
It truly takes a village, and I am grateful for ours.
And, now, I’m here. Six days later, having picked up Archer from school yesterday because he was sick, too.
Never have I ever wanted to get out of this house so bad!
I went on a field trip last night to the grocery store. Sound the alarms. But I’m talking something with purpose … a reason to get me out of these walls and, possibly, even have a little fun!
This. This is what I am doing tonight, and I can’t wait!! I am teaming up with my MGW pal Ariana and her sister to go on a snowshoeing adventure tonight. It couldn’t come with better timing!
Longing to Play Outside in the Snow
My biggest point in sharing all of this is that I can’t be the only one that feels like this, can I? Whether it be a mom-duty, home with sick kids thing, or just an overwhelming feeling of being in a bit of a rut. There are others out there that feel this way, too, right? Part of why I started sharing my story and writing this blog was to share what I’ve been through in hopes of helping others that might be feeling alone. Because I truly believe that we are not alone once we begin to open up to each other a little bit more. There, I feel better even just getting it onto the page. 🙂
All that being said, I have some exciting things coming down the pipes. I’m working with some amazing women for my next InHERview and there’s even something I’m participating in this weekend that involves me being in front of a camera that is new and super exciting for me that I can hopefully share soon!
Until then, do something for you. And there’s no time like the present.
Counting down the hours,
*This is a pretty good article that rounds up the ridiculousness that happens in the Lower Mainland when it snows, including a line of busses a mile long and someone shovelling with a folding chair.