I am in a really great place in my writing right now.
It’s no surprise to anyone that knows me how much I love writing. I always have. From journals to my books—I can say that now, can’t I, since I just started writing my THIRD BOOK at the beginning of the month—to the hand I had in my yearbooks at school. I love words, and I just love writing.
As I mentioned last week, I have started the November writing challenge that I did last year. You can find my profile here if you’re a fellow writer and/or are interested in seeing my progress—or if you want a sneak-peek summary of what my next book is about! It’s another work of fiction and I have been SO excited every day that I’ve been writing it so far.

It’s probably what’s been prompting me to be so into my writing at the moment. I just got off of another brilliant call with the writer’s in my writing group. It was a welcome distraction where I got some amazing feedback from the last submission I gave from Romi. There’s something to be said about using other people’s brilliant minds to help develop your writing!
This excitement that I’ve been having towards my craft has got me thinking. I do my best thinking these days when I’m walking, either back and forth dropping Archer off at school or in a moment alone that I feel like I’ve had recently. Something about the fresh air, my mind set, the choices I’ve made lately to better myself and be in a better place for my family. Things have been tough around here, but with this November challenge, I have committed time for myself to write, every single day this month. I know that it won’t happen every day, but that’s the plan. And while sometimes that means that the dishes will wait and the laundry will remain unfolded—who am I kidding, that happens anyways—I am proud that I have carved out that time for me and my writing.
Confession: I just love writing
I’m beginning to think that maybe that’s a big part of why I was so down when Covid first hit, and the many months that have followed since then. I automatically became child-care provider for my munchkins, and while I have been able to write during nap times, in the evenings and on weekends when I need or want to, it’s nowhere near the same as having dedicated time, daily, for a set number of hours, to just write. And craft and develop myself as an author, a writer and a self-publisher—man how that one has basically just fallen off the deep end.

Part of my little writing haven, redesigned.
This writing thing is such a big part of who I am … I am, and forever will be, a writer. I hope that the words never stop flowing, that I always have this outlet for myself, whether it’s personal or for others to read. That I am always able to share these amazing thoughts I find funneling through my fingers and onto the page. The mere ability to write amazes me, I am fascinated by the fact that I come up with some of these ideas, and that I am able to craft stories that make sense and have many layers that I’m not ever really aware of until someone else points them out.
And I don’t mean to toot my own horn here or anything, I just want to focus on how much I love writing, and how good for my soul it is. It is who I am, this is who I am. I would never thank Covid for this realization, but I recognize that it might have taken me much longer to become so grateful for this person I have developed into, that I am able to work at being myself every time I sit at the keyboard or pull out my pen and paper.
What do you love?
I am so grateful that I am able to do this.
Is there anything that you are super passionate about these days? Or any given moment of any day?
Do more of it.
Love writing,