When I first heard about the Port Moody Public Library White Pines Local Author Collection, I passed it by. I didn’t think I'd be able to have my book in their collection one day—this was before I chose the self-publishing route. And obviously before I had any confidence in my writing! The self-doubt I see looking back on it makes me a bit annoyed, to be honest.

The Port Moody Public Library White Pines Local Author collection highlights local authors, poets, and illustrators in our community.

Books are added to a special collection for a year and are promoted on our social media, website, and at an annual gala in the spring.

Fastforward to after having published my book, Letters to the Mountain. I printed the application to the collection last summer, and it sat on my desk for several months before I finally decided to pull the trigger and submit the app.

Brad, Archer and I had spent the day up at Cypress Mountain, snowshoeing one day back in February of this year. We went down to the Lonsdale Quay for a late lunch when I got the email that they were welcoming my book into the collection.

My book! Available at the library! Not only at the library, but part of this unique collection of authors local to my home.

How exciting! I couldn’t even get the words out to Brad straight, I just handed him my phone to read the email for himself! Even though it was silly, I hadn't told him I’d finally submitted my application, just in case.

[Note: I would have told him even if it was rejected … I tend to tell that guy everything!]

Letters to the Mountain Cover

This, to me, will never get old.

I’ve felt so at home where we live and have been happy to call such an artsy place home. Port Moody is the City of the Arts, after all. And I think I fit in nicely.

As I listened to the introduction at the White Pines Virtual Gala this past Wednesday night, I was humbled. I felt so grateful for this wonderful event and to have my book recognized with other Port Moody authors. But it also served as a reminder as to what my book is actually about. It made me sad through missing Rachael but also happy because I know she would be so proud of me. I’ve been deep into writing my next book and I found that I've forgotten this book in the process. I mean, I don’t ever forget it, I have a copy on display in my office, but sometimes when I’m tackling this next challenge, I forget what I’ve accomplished. My next book is a romantic comedy; it's very easy to be encompassed in the mostly light and fluffy subject matter.

I’m taking a minute to appreciate this event and this moment for what it is. I am proud all over again to say that I am a published author.


If you’d like to see my reading, you can check out the Facebook Video. I come on at around 25:04 for around three minutes, including my introduction. There were 18 authors in total that were admitted to the White Pines Local Author Collection this year, so we each only had two minutes to read. I read the Foreword and a quick description of my memory of the last time I saw Rachael in person. I read the same excerpt at my book launch last May and I remember tearing up while I read it then. My book launch was nine years to the day since the scene that I described in my reading. Since we last walked down the street together, with Brad, and hugged when we said good bye.

I’m sitting with those feelings right now, and it feels really good. I hope that you can check it out if you have the time. And don’t forget to let me know what you think!

Forever writing letters,


Anya Wyers Author
White Pines Local Author Collection - Letters to the Mountain

White Pines Local Author and Book, Port Moody Library Collection

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