February 2020

Oh February 2020, where have you gone!? For as slow as January went by, February picked up the pace! How are we already only a couple of days away from the third month of this brand-new decade!? This month brought a new baby to some of our closest friends, some visits with Brad’s cousin that is staying locally while he takes a course at BCIT and the continuation of learning to skate. As always, it’s been busy!


As a family, February has brought us all the things. Tears, new adventures, extra hugs and all of the other usual things. On the Family Day long weekend, we visited Maplewood Farm together, where we will certainly be returning as the kids had a blast. Brad and I got out for a couple of date nights (which we will do again tomorrow when the Whitecaps start their tenth season as part of the MLS) and have done our best to manage this crazy life we have.

Petting the Horse at Maplewood Farm

Reaching to Pet the Horse

Reaching to Pet the Horse at Maplewood Farm

The Horse reached down so Maverick could pet it!


I have still been busy plugging away at school, keeping my twice-weekly blog up to date and running a household as my side-hustle. Haha, just kidding, that part is obviously my full-time job, with the rest on the side.

This month brought me one of my favourite pieces of writing that I have done for my blog. Following a small interaction I had with Maverick (who has since turned into a devil child), I felt compelled to write about the things we take for granted, and the things we’re not likely to remember even though they feel special at the time. Check out “Choose Socks” if you haven’t already.

Other highlights of my month including bottling wine and learning to curl with my dear friend, Ariana; meeting my friend Jaimie’s new baby, Roy; and completing 14 Barre Blend workouts. I fell short of the recommended 5 workouts per week (totalling 20), but I also went snowshoeing and had yoga in lieu of working out. I’m actually quite proud of how active I have been overall this month and plan to keep moving!


Brad has, again, been a busy travelling little bee! He went to Toronto for a few days earlier this month, has been to meetings in Vancouver and had a pointless trip out to the airport when his trip to Calgary for the night was cancelled last minute. All that being said, I’ve been grateful that his schedule has allowed him to help out a little more in the mornings, whether taking Maverick to day care or walking the dog before work. We make the best team!

If I had to guess, I’d say that Brad’s highlight of the month was that we had to buy a new tv, as ours died. I'm sure his best of the month was more sentimental than that, but he and Archer are pretty excited about the new tv! I couldn’t tell you anything about it, as it looks almost identical to the old one.

Taking a Break while Snowshoeing at Cypress Mountain

Photo by Archer, 5

Dog Snuggles

This guy made his way into our hearts, and now onto the couch


Archer Bruce, as Maverick likes to call him, has been kicking butt at skating lessons, learning about Penguins at school, and is growing like crazy. I swear he’s going to be as tall as me before I know it!

Archer has had a plethora of professional development days lately, including one today. We are having a mama and Archer day, which I am really looking forward to. Earlier this month, Brad and I took Archer snowshoeing on his Pro-D day, just the three of us. It was great to be able to have that time together while Maverick was at day care. We don’t get that time often with the troublesome littlest Wyers around, and I know Archer appreciates the quieter moments, especially now that Maverick’s bedtime is awfully close to his own.


What can I say about my little devil child? He’s two. Enough said? I do not remember Archer coming even close to being as bad as Maverick has been lately, hitting at day care, throwing things and grabbing people with his pinch-y little hands when he doesn’t get his way. He says no to everything, unless it’s his idea, even when a treat is involved!

He has tested my patience, made me cry and honestly made the days that he’s in day care all the more special. I know that everything is a phase, and that parenting isn’t easy for anyone, but ohmyword, we’ve had a trying time with this guy. Does that seem typical of a second child??

Brothers Playing Lego Together

Playing LEGO together for the first time
(I'm still not convinced the LEGO will stay out of Maverick's nose)

Of course, I have to mention the other holiday we celebrated this month, Valentine’s Day! I made cookies for Maverick’s day care and Archer helped me prepare suckers to share with his class to celebrate. Brad and I don’t usually celebrate the holiday, but we did go on a date night the day after Valentine’s Day, so I count that. I hope you found love in unexpected places and celebrated all of the love that your life has to offer, from everywhere and everyone.

Til March,


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