My first day of TWSO (The Writer’s Studio Online) was …
Ended with me on my iPad, sitting on the couch with headphones in as Archer watched How to Train Your Dragon beside me.
Needless to say, it did not go the way I had planned.
But, it’s all working out. As things do.
We had a few technical difficulties, which I didn’t realize I had until ten minutes before the first live session for the program started (I swear I had double-checked everything before 11:50 am and it seemed fine). After some frantic running around, eating lunch, putting Maverick down for a nap and trying to troubleshoot, Brad and I realized that I couldn’t hear the audio on the video unless a microphone was set up on the computer. And our Mac Mini did not have a microphone.
Adventures of a Notebook
Lafarge Lake, Coquitlam, BC
Enter the iPad and the headphones and me sitting on the couch next to Archer while I watched the video. There were a few more wifi problems that have hopefully since been remedied (thanks Brad!) but we should be smooth sailing come October 1, when I have my first workshop with my mentor group.
In the meantime, I’m working on my first assignment. Each of the 9 people in my mentor group is to share 250 words describing their fictional project they plan to work on during TWSO. Then, we are to provide feedback, which we will discuss in our mentor group. The discussion seems more like my first day of TWSO, but I am glad to have gotten the orientation under way, too.
Okay, getting a little boring here.
I have a few things on the go right now, but I am excited to sit down and write about Ms. Romi James for my fellow writers and our mentor. Hopefully sometime today!
Recording of the audiobook for Letters to the Mountain is also on my To Do list … I clearly didn’t finish that project by the end of the summer as I had planned! I’m feeling much more positive about managing everything now that Archer is in full days at school.
Breathe out,