Here I sit, waiting until it’s time to walk to school with Archer. Just over an hour later, we will walk home.
Kindergarten gradual entry is no joke.
Or maybe it is a joke. Fifty minutes yesterday, one hour and fifteen today and tomorrow. Then twenty minutes to meet the teachers on Friday.
He doesn’t go for a full day until the third week of September.
It has made me really appreciate the fact that I have a flexible schedule and can be here for him without having to worry about extra child care.
This is something that I honestly never thought I’d be doing. The walk to school, mom-duty during business hours and learning about the volunteer opportunities to get involved in Archer’s school.
I always thought I’d hold a 9 to 5 job forever and for always. But then I realized that I am happiest carving my own path. And it’s okay to not exactly know where that path is going to lead me, but to flow with what feels right for the next steps in my new career.
I am excited that the world is shifting to support this life. We as parents do our best for our families. As moms, we follow our instincts with raising our kids and do our best for them whenever possible. If we can continue to shed the judgment and support each other in all that we do, I know that we will be creating a great world for our kids and our future selves.
I’ve learned so much in the five short years that I’ve been a mom. Most of it has been about myself, not the things that are directly related to actually rearing children.
Time is so precious. They will only be this little once. Archer and I will only ever have this time together during kindergarten gradual entry once. Little Mr Maverick will (hopefully) only be this unruly for a short time. Then he’ll be off to the next grand adventure that life has to offer him.
Walks near home
I think it’s fitting that I don’t know what my future holds. It’s like I’m growing with the kids, discovering life and considering all of the possibilities. We are truly taking it one day at a time, looking only so far in the future as life dictates. Watching the leaves fall and crunch louder beneath our feet with every day that passes. Wondering if they’ll still be there tomorrow, or if we will find ourselves walking on bare ground.
I welcome it with open arms.
And I never saw that coming.
Ready to run,