It’s been a hot minute since I updated Anya’s Reads! I can’t believe that I haven’t posted since July of last year. I guess the end of the year was a bit slow for me in reading, mostly because of writing a new book. First drafts are all-consuming, at least for me. Once I start writing, all I want to do is get words on the page until the story is done. It’s great, but I also love honing my skills by reading!

Last year on Good Reads, I made a goal of reading 12 books. I surpassed that by a couple and decided to up my goal this year to 20. So far, I’ve finished two: The Flight Attendant (which I started last year) and Such a Fun Age, which was a great read. More below!

In order of what I’m currently reading, I’ll be honest … I’m not actually reading it. I have it on Audiobook!

I was inspired by an online book club that I’m part of to read this book, but given the timing of my days, I just didn’t think I’d be able to get through it over the course of Black History Month, which is why this book was chosen.

So far, I love the author’s voice and am thoroughly enjoying hearing about her history growing up and the days following her family’s stint in the Whitehouse, what it felt like to be home alone.

Fun fact, I released my memoir while Becoming was still topping the charts in the Biography/Memoir categories on Amazon. Way to aim to beat the best, amiright?

The Flight Attendant

Brad and I watched the Flight Attendant show before I dove into this book. It was a pretty good read, my kind of spy-thriller, espionage, personal story of the protagonist, an alcoholic flight attendant that gets herself into some trouble, to say the least.

The book and the show are COMPLETELY different, if you’re interested in one and have seen or read the other. I enjoyed them both!

The Flight Attendant HBO Poster

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

I can’t remember where the recommendation for this book came from, but it was an eye-opening, heart-pulling story of a young black babysitter that encounters some unfair racist actions when she has her white charge at the grocery store with her. I moved through this novel quickly, and enjoyed it very much, but one thing I will say is that I longed for more closure between the two main characters. Throughout the story, I found myself rooting for both of them individually, on their own paths, and the attention I thought they both deserved wasn’t there for me at the end.

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

Ahhhh I’ve heard such great things about this author lately! I also demolished this book quite quickly (in a few days this time …) and can’t wait to dig into more Colleen Hoover books. Tagline for It Ends with Us: Sometimes it is the one who loves you who hurts you the most.

Yes please.

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

This one also came to me through my online book club, which the author is actually part of! Before I started reading it, I’d heard that people never saw the ending coming, so, of course, I had my ear to the ground to try and figure it out. I think that took away from the book a little, to be honest. And I wish I hadn’t taken what everyone else was saying about this book to heart while reading it.

Brunette Reading It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

If I had three wishes, the first would be more time to do this.

Tell me all about what you’re reading, below! I have 18 more books to read this year and this audiobook might take me awhile to get through at the rate I’m going.

Thanks for your recommendations,



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