Expectation. It’s a big word. And, tell me if it’s just me, I find that I am full of them.
I expect the kids to listen—haha at least I did once a really long time ago, before I learned better.
I expect Brad to remember … anything. (Whoops, sorry Brad!)
There’s a tricky expectation I’ve had with people in my life to think/do/react the same way I think/do/react. It’s dangerous!
The reason I’m writing about expectations today, however, is more work-related for me. You see, I wrote 100 blog posts last year, in 2019, my first year blogging. And when I was planning my to-do list for this December, I realized that I would be short on reaching another 100 blog posts this year so I shook up my writing plan to fit in another three posts. I was set on reaching posts 101 through 200 this crazy, pandemic year.
But why?
What was I trying to prove? Who was I trying to impress?
Truth: I had set my own expectations for myself too high.

On my rainy walk this morning, there's always time to reflect.
I still published posts every Wednesday and Friday this year. When I reminded myself who I was writing for—ME—I took a step back and reconsidered what three extra blog posts were going to mean for my time.
And I’m really happy that I have learned to prioritize and accept what my days actually look like right now. Coming off of writing every day in November, finishing another draft of Romi before that and trying to flush out the rest of my NaNo project before the end of the year, adding extra blog posts was just silly. I re-assessed that plan and am much happier with the fact that I will have written 97 blog posts by the end of the year! It’s still an accomplishment for which I am very proud.
Maybe if I get bored—or feel inspired to write—in the week between Christmas and New Years, we’ll see another post or two.
Stranger things have happened!
Think about the expectations you set for yourself. Now dial it back and see how it makes you feel.
Instead of reaching a nice round number by the end of the year, I chose to just let it go and see what happens. A simple shift in my own expectation of myself made me feel so much better! Brad is off of work again starting on Maverick’s birthday next Thursday (how is my baby almost 3?) so we’ll see how much that opens me up to get some extra writing done. If I had to guess, I’d say not much. But that’s because we’re also planning to finish painting our house while he’s off, hopefully before Christmas. And we only have two days with Archer in school, so that means that most of the time one of us has to referee the children.
Maybe new toys and that pesky little elf watching over them will help?
They did play for over an hour together yesterday and I didn’t have to break up any fights. And the tv wasn’t even on!
These are the things I look forward to, guys. Peaceful play time where no one falls down the stairs … which happened the other night when they tumbled down a flight of stairs together.
I can still hear the thumps.
They’re fine, thankfully. Just wish me luck! I feel like I need it on the daily.
Manage yourself,