Welcome to “Anya’s Reads: April 2020” where I share what I’m reading, read and what’s waiting on my bookshelf.
First, I’ll introduce you to my Good Reads page. It has a brief biography and description of my book and a record of the books I have been reading. I started it last year, and try to keep it as up to date as possible. Disclaimer: I have put down a couple of books, for various reasons, but they still appear on my list! I set a goal for the number of books that I want to read this year, but I think it’s a little unfair that I’m up to 8 of 12 already even though I’ve abandoned at least one of those books. If you have the time, check it out to see what I’ve read recently and what's I plan to read next. I update it regularly, so give me a follow to keep up with what I'm reading.
On the heels of the post about my writing journey, I wanted to expand a little on this piece of me that I have been building, the literary one. Any experienced writer will agree that reading is as much a part of writing as putting words onto the page. Gaining knowledge in your field and learning the nuances of other writers is an invaluable piece of becoming a better writer. In school, I’ve loved reading other people’s fiction. It has allowed me to expand the genres that I usually read, help my fellow writers and get some invaluable ideas for my own series.
Just last night I learned that one of the students in my group might be using one of my ideas, and I got a great idea from another student that I’m going to use for Romi’s story. I’m so excited!
The first stop on Anya’s Reads is the book that is currently causing me to stay up late and has me hoping that the kids will play nicely today so I can read. (If play nicely = watch tv, then I guess they're getting some extra screen time so I can read today!)
Educated by Tara Westover
The first book is fitting for Anya's reads as I cannot put it down. Brad always teases me that when he was introduced to me, I hardly took my nose out of my book to say hi. It's a character flaw I stand behind 100%!
I will confess, I often borrow titles from the library online, which is an amazing way to read for free. Now, I know that this doesn’t support my fellow authors in the way I hope to be supported one day, but it’s the most convenient way for me to read. I do my best to support authors in other ways, where I can.
Educated is Tara’s memoir that follows her upbringing in the mountains of Idaho. “She was 17 years old the first time she stepped foot in a classroom” (taken from her website) and her story has me wrapped up in how powerful and strong this inspiring woman is, having unburdened herself of her practiced upbringing to follow her own path in life. It has come highly recommended to me by many people. Definitely check it out if you get the chance.
Demons at the Doorstep by Rachael Bell-Irving
Rachael is a fellow self-published author, whose debut novel came out earlier this year.
Disclaimer: I do not usually read fantasy but I am enjoying this story so far! Whenever I have a book pop up through the library online, I cast aside any actual book I am reading because there are time limits on borrowed books. Usually 21 days. This is the current case with Demons at the Doorstep. I am reading it and have loved the escape into Jessica-the-magical-Beata’s world—which just so happens to be in Toronto—but it is currently my number two book while I read the book online. Once I get back into this story, I'll be sure to rate, review and share.
If you’d like to support Rachael, who is a very lovely human living and writing in Vancouver, check her book out on Amazon!
Awhile back, I posted a photo of the books I had in a box I keep by the couch. (See below Instagram Links). I eased the bulging sides and limited the books inside to two of the three books I've mentioned here.

The Big Activity Book for Anxious People by Jordan Reid and Erin Williams
The Big Activity Book for Anxious People
From a word search titled “Reasons to be Glad You’re Not Living in the 18th Century” to an entire section called “Anxiety is my Cardio” this is one funny, fitting book. It is especially relevant now, given the time we find ourselves in. I had already owned the book, co-authored by one of my favourite bloggers, Jordan Reid, when it became the most relevant book I could read right now. It offers a laugh when I need it and reassurance that I’m not in this weird anxiety-ridden world alone.
I also own the first book in this series, The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People, which I got when I was pregnant with Maverick. Jordan and her co-author, Erin Williams, signed it for me at a book signing in New York City. (Thinking about this story makes me think of my trip to New York, and has the idea for a blog post about it percolating in the back of my mind.) The Big Activity Book for Anxious People will be joined by their third book, The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox, which is another relevant book for our time. It will be a purchase of mine when it comes out later this year!
There you have it! My first Anya’s Reads post. Let me know what you’re reading below, and if you’ve had the chance to read any of my current reads.
Read on,
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