Welcome to my April 2019 family update!
I was shocked when I looked at the calendar and saw it was time for the April 2019 monthly family update! How is it May already next week!? What did we even do in April?
I guess we’re about to find out.
We started the month off with both Brad and myself sick. We’re also, sadly, finishing the month with both Brad and myself sick! With different ailments, but, still. I am ready for May to bring us health alongside the sunshine.
We seem to have found our stride in getting out as a family before and/or after Maverick’s nap. It’s been great to find our stride in the lead up to summer!
There has been a lot of back and forth as far as the final work on my book is concerned. I am happy to report that all I have to do now is wait! The printers have the final print files and I am expecting boxes of my books at my door step in the next week or so.
Personally for me, it’s been a tough month. Juggling being sick, taking care of a sick husband and running the house like a crazy person is no joke. Not to mention taking care of myself! I have a girls’ night tonight that is feeling well-deserved!
Brad started April on antibiotics and just hasn’t been able to shake the cold that came with his bronchitis. He has, of course, been extra busy at work, but has actually taken some sick days. Which is shocking for him!
He has been the ever-supportive husband with everything book-related for me. It’s so much more than I could ever ask for. He waited to read the acknowledgments that I wrote about him in my book until we had a physical copy in our hands. We sat with champagne while he read it after I had approved the final draft to go to the printers and we both finished with tears in our eyes.
I can’t wait for you guys to read it, too! Though obviously it won’t be as sentimental. 🙂
Archer has had a pretty great month, I think! With the warmer weather comes more play time outside. He has a bit more leeway to go out and play without supervision, which I know he loves! We bought him a new ball-hockey stick and ball so he can play with the neighbours using more size-appropriate gear.
He also wants a new ball glove, but I told him that will have to wait til his birthday. I love that he’s into sports and wants to be outside so much! We’ve also signed him up to try out some hip-hop classes at the Port Moody rec centre in June. He loves music and dancing, so I’m excited to see how he likes dance class.
Oh, Maverick. He has grown so much lately! His little fingers can just reach onto the kitchen counter. And he has figured out how to press the buttons on the stove, even though he cannot see them. We have them locked, except for when something is in the oven, but that almost makes it worse because he can turn off the oven while I’m cooking!
He has started to repeat words and phrases that we say and finally says “up” or “uppie” when he wants me to pick him up. At our check-up with the doctor, he weighed in at a hefty 27 lbs. For a baby that was not even on the growth charts this time last year, he’s now topping the charts in the 90th percentile for his weight. The kid eats all the time, so I’m not surprised!
We had a visit from the Easter bunny last weekend, which went over really well. The smart bunny found some little buckets at Kernels that were filled with popcorn for the kids! It’s my favourite snack, so I was more than happy to share! Our neighbourhood hosts an egg hunt through the strata and both kids were able to participate this year. It was so cute to see Archer helping his little brother put eggs in his basket. Another moment to enjoy between the pushing and grabbing. Sigh.

The only shot of the kids I got of them looking for their Easter treats at home.
That ends it for this month’s update. I have a feeling that May will have amazing things in store for us, so stay tuned!
Soon-to-be a published author,