I got myself an early Christmas present …
A Cricut!
For those of you that don’t know what a Cricut is or what it can do, it is a crafty printer machine that cuts all sorts of different materials into as many patterns as you can create through your app or computer. I got it to add to my crafting repertoire and I can officially say I am SO excited about it. Add Cricut-ing to the list of my craft loves.
It was a tad on the expensive side, but I decided to dedicate some Christmas money toward it and I’m so glad that I did! Over the weekend, I made a birthday card, pictured here, and it was so simple. I chose to pay for a design until I get the handle of creating cut-outs for myself and it was well-worth the $1.56 that I spent to make the card since I already had all of the physical materials!
Brad was busy on a video chat—cause what else are humans trying to do the right thing busy doing with their friends these days—so I poured myself a glass of wine, stuck the Bachelorette up on my laptop and started making my card on the iPad.
It was so much fun! I ended up wasting one card with the birthday phrase, but mostly because of the accents I tried to add. There’s a handy scoring tool—that we drove all the way out to Pitt Meadows to buy on Saturday morning—that presses into the paper to make folding super easy and even. I accidentally forgot to load the tool, even though the app sets out step-by-step of what to do. Blame the wine? Anyway, I wrecked a card that way, but other than that it was a pretty seamless process.
I’ve taken on two Christmas card projects for our community and am so excited to get those printing this weekend. I’m going to try to do them mostly myself, but I will admit I found a couple of free files, including some Christmas gnomes for one card, so that I don’t have to completely make the card from scratch.
I’m not a graphic designer by any means!

My Early Christmas Present to Myself
My Newest Love, Cricut
I really don’t know why I do this to myself, seeing that I don’t really have the spare time to be doing extra crafting right now, what with being home with Maverick full-time, writing a few extra blog posts so that I hit 100 posts this year, and all of the Christmas-related shopping, wrapping and Elfing. But I kind of tend to do things backwards, so that’s probably it!
Hit me up with any card ideas … if you use the magic word, I might just make you something special! Brad’s already put in his request for some custom-design t-shirts. I’ll keep you posted on that. He is aware that I need more crafty equipment to do those properly, soooo stay tuned!
Are you treating yourself to anything special this Christmas? Something tangible, extra time to yourself, less screens and more paper books?
Tell me all about it! Cause believe me, you deserve it.
If you need me, I’ll be crafting,

There's a method to my madness,
it just involves a giant mess.

PS: If you were too late signing up for my newsletter that went out yesterday, please let me know! I wrote a special Christmas story that I’d love to forward you. Keep an eye out for it on the blog later this month!