June 2019
The June 2019 Family Update is here! And with it comes the end to another fabulous month. Collectively, we’ve ventured across not only our lovely province, but also our beautiful country. Find out who travelled east, and where, below!
Our family has been a group of busy little bees! We’ve had some fun, we’ve all been a little stressed at one point or another, and I think that we’re all going to benefit from the long weekend that is upon us as we celebrate Canada Day on Monday!
I am officially 35 years young. And even though I was a little apprehensive before celebrating this birthday, I have definitely embraced my age. It ain’t nothing but a number, right?
We returned from our family camping trip for Archer’s birthday the day before my birthday. Brad and I enjoyed a lovely day together, with a visit from his parents, and a small celebration with friends later in the week. I love my birthday, and I love how we celebrated me this year.
Later in June, we ventured north to Prince George to celebrate the release of Letters to the Mountain up there. You can read about our trip here. It was a great, though quick, trip. The best takeaway, aside from being able to celebrate my biggest personal achievement to date with those closest to me, is that Letters to the Mountain is now in two book stores in PG!
Books and Company is where I had my first book signing, and they kept a few copies for sale. And the UNBC book store carries it as well. I feel very lucky to have the support that I have gotten through local book stores. I asked, and they said yes! Book stores are hard, because it’s not often that people buy books from unknown authors. But I am happy to report that it does happen, as the book store in Pitt Meadows that had two copies of Letters to the Mountain, sold out!

Try a Local Writer - Western Sky Books

Recording my audiobook (in my spare time ... HA!)
Here’s the guy that’s been back and forth across not only our province, but also the country! Brad just returned from a business trip in Toronto yesterday. He has been mastering the smart building world, and helping out back east where necessary. I’m so proud! But I’m also glad that he’s home for awhile! Mama needs a break!
In other Brad news–which isn’t really news, but any wife will be just as excited as me about this, I’m sure–he bought his own pair of shoes! He mentioned to me that he needed a new pair of the “fake” dress shoes that he wears to work (Skechers for the win) a while ago. After the ones he had were worn out, of course. But apparently he had enough of waiting for me to buy them and stopped after work to pick out a new pair. Go Brad!
Finally, we celebrated Father’s Day in PG with family.
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Archer is now a big five years old! Poor kid wanted to start school immediately after his kindergarten orientation last month, and then as soon as he turned five he thought he was going to school, too! I had to explain to him that he had to wait until September, when all of the kids that are turning five this year will be going to school at the same time. My little love.
When we told Archer that we were going up to PG, he was super excited. He loves to play with his cousins and have sleepovers with them. We don’t get together with them often, but when we do it’s like they were never apart.
This kid flipped a switch this month. Epic tantrums, extra forceful hits (usually straight to the face) and getting into everything.
When Brad was away for a few days recently, I actually started keeping a list of ridiculous things our youngest child got into while he was gone.
The highlights include:
- He put his snack of dried fruit into the tower fan (this one from Costco). Then he pulled some paper from the recycling to do the same. He thought it was funny that I picked up the fan to shake it and get the stuff out, so now the fan is put away.
- He threw his quesadilla on the floor at dinner, then later picked it up and tried to stick it down the furnace vent. When I said no and tried to stop him, he tried to act faster.
- Finally, he took my old makeup sponge out of the garbage, put it in the toilet and closed the lid. It was only found by Archer when he went pee before bed. “Mom, what’s that?!” Ughhhhh, Maverick!!
He also climbed onto the couch for the first time over this past weekend and has started talking a lot more! There are only adventures in store for us with this one!
In the summertime, when the weather is hot ...
How is this year halfway over, guys? I almost feel like I blinked and missed it!
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! Here’s to the return of the sunshine, patio drinks and sunny picnics for everyone!
Stay cool,
PS: Name that song from the lyric above!