Don't look for big things, just do small things with great love. - Mother Teresa

Welcome to my March 2019 family update!

I was trying to think up new blog post ideas and thought it might be fun to start a monthly series! That way I’ll at least have one post idea ready to go each month!

As you may be aware, the Wyers clan in Port Moody is a family of four humans, plus one smelly furbaby. See my intro here, if you’re interested.

In my memoir, I tell the story of how my family has evolved. It seems only yesterday that I was living the single life in North Van. Now I have two kids, a husband and a dog (in no particular order!) in Port Moody.

Our day-to-day is pretty simple. Brad works in Surrey and the kids go to day care three days per week. On those days, I have the house to myself to work. It can be tough to balance writing work and house work, but I do my best! I struggled at first, working at home by myself. But Eddie makes a pretty great co-worker, when he’s not barking at people outside or curled up next to me, farting while he sleeps.

Alright, to kick off the March 2019 family update, I will start with our family!


We were able to travel across the continent together as a family of four at the beginning of this month, which marked the first time we dipped our toes in the Caribbean Sea! Overall, we found a good balance while we were away between visiting with my family, who came from other parts of Canada, and hanging out together and making memories as a family of four.

We all adjusted back to the local time zone rather quickly, which was huge! And since we’ve been back it’s been a pretty low key time. The start of spring has made all of us happy and eager to get outside as much as possible. This summer is going to be so much fun!


This month has been all exciting things for me, personally and professionally! Our trip was the highlight for me personally. Choosing my book cover, interior design and giving the final approval before publishing top the list of my professional achievements this month!

I also managed to make some time to get headshots taken by the lovely Jodi Kaldestad last week, just in time for my book cover! It’s also about time I introduce myself a little more on social media and what better way to do that than with new pictures!

I’ll be finishing the month of March with an exciting endeavour in my career as a writer, my first conference! Stay tuned for more on the Creative Ink Festival for Writers & Readers in Burnaby this weekend.


Brad has been pretty insanely busy at work. He misses bedtimes more often than not during the week and heads out of the house before the kids are up most mornings.

We’re all super proud of him lately as he landed a HUGE job at work, followed by a lateral promotion and amazing raise. I’m so proud of how hard he works for our family!


Archer passed the latest level at swimming lessons. He will be a pre-school sunfish when he starts swimming again at the end of the month.

He’s also on a break from soccer and is eager to get back outside and kick the ball around in April.

His latest favourite thing to do, that is also one of my favourite things that he does, is make his brother laugh. From making a funny face to doing a silly dance, he’s always doing his best to make his brother giggle. It warms my heart so much!


This guy has been upholding the nickname that he earned on our holiday and has been more and more of a “maniac” every day! He is slated to keep us on our toes this summer…from running, whenever he gets the chance, to doing exactly the opposite when he’s told not to do something, we’re in for it! It’s so funny to see his personality develop. He’s so full of life and is completely the opposite from his brother, who was a bit more mild-mannered (and was not walking at this age yet) and cautious.

So, there you have our family update for March! Next month it will be Easter and at some point I will hold the fist proof of my very first book in my hands.

I can’t wait!

I’m so happy that spring has sprung,


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